Cet amour-là

"Elle dit: non, ne pleurez pas, ce n'est pas triste, en rien, en aucun cas. Il s'agit de vous et de pas vous, oubliez votre personne, ça n'a aucune importance. Il ne faut pas se prendre pour un héros. Vous êtes rien. C'est ce qui me plaît. Restez comme ça. Ne changez pas. Restez. On va lire ensemble."

Yann Andréa

If it’s a trap then am I building it alone?

“And at any moment this man could appear once again / This man who disturbed her no end to the point where she could not breathe" 
Patti Smith & David Lynch

Did you feel me fall do you notice

One of the perks would be to have you
knowingly hearing those thoughts each time
I cross my legs or shift my balance
I would thank you for your silence and
your presence and the beat in my heart
that was so strong it fell down
my legs
started slowly running like a thousand
golden snakes on fire licking my thighs
looking up at you with darted eyes
and liquid tongues. And if you don’t
well I might just love you more even though
now I know the high school crush has
more to do with lust. A thousand pins and needles
my skin like burning paper. A summoned self floating
diving endlessly begging for this never to happen
Like a frozen drop of milk
And strong strong pepper

When the moment died and you were still
I wondered. Had I dreamed or died
and if I was still alive with you standing
and doing something then perhaps the
world had ended. You me please make this
last. I realize now seeking is all I

Cayetana Fitz James Stuart
Richard Avedon - 1959.

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